Sunday, 3 September 2017

# 2017 # adult

Spoiler free review: Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart

Title: Genuine Fraud
Author: E. Lockhart
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 6 September 2017
RRP: $19.99

Imogen is an heiress, a runaway, and a cheat.
Jule is a fighter, a chameleon, and a liar.
Imogen is done pretending to be perfect, and Jule refuses to go back to the person she was. Somewhere between the mansions of Martha's Vineyard and the shores of Cabo San Lucas, their intense friendship takes a dark turn.
Genuine Fraud is a masterful new psychological suspense novel - the story of a young woman whose diabolical smarts are her ticket into a charmed life. But how many times can someone reinvent themselves? You be the judge. How far would you go to be someone else?

When I saw E Lockhart had a new book coming out, I almost requested it without even reading the synopsis - though, of course I did, ha. Lockhart's previous novel, We Were Liars was so surprisingly good that I've been waiting for her next book to come out. As you may see from the synopsis above, Genuine Fraud somewhat of a suspenseful story. Literally within the first chapter you'll be wanting more, and you'll be trying to formulate what's happening immediately.

The story itself I found to be incredibly thrilling and it was hard to put down because I just wanted to know everything. It's set out so that the chapters go back in time and you find out what Jule and Imogen have been up to and what has led them to the present. The story gets quite dark (in young adult terms anyway), and when I found out everything that unfolds, I had a little jaw-dropped moment - actually there was a few of those.

It's told in the point of view of Jule and you are constantly questioning her words and actions. This is how you're easily able to continue reading without stopping, you need to know the WHY for everything she says and does. Even though she's kind of crazy, I quite like how Jule's character is written. I like reading about characters that are very different from what I'm used to reading, and further how the author keeps that character going.

Overall, Genuine Fraud is an exciting story that I highly recommend if you're interested in a fast-paced story that kind of resembles a thriller - I wouldn't exclusively call it a thriller compared to what I've read before but it is thriller enough for me, and definitely enjoyable. If you enjoyed Lockhart's previous novel We Were Liars, then I think you'll like this. If you don't usually read these kinds of novels and find yourself in a bit of a slump I think this would be a great book for you to pick up.

If you have read it/end up reading it I would love to know your thoughts. Until then, take care and see you soon!


*This book was sent to me by Allen & Unwin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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