Tuesday, 19 September 2017

# adult # australia


Hello everyone,

I was wondering if I should still do these wrap up posts since I will always do them on my YouTube channel (unless for some unforeseen reason) and I actually have no idea if people like reading them or not? I decided to do one for August anyway because well, why not? I should be doing an assignment but aye, there's always tomorrow (bad Erena, bad!) If you're keen on watching my video for this click here!

I read a total of three books this month and I'm actually very happy with that seeing as it was an incredibly busy month for me at uni (I am desperate for this semester to end!!) but I do hope to get a bit more done during September.


1. Winter - Marissa Meyer
This is a mountain of a book and it took me a while to get through it since I was so busy, but then all of a sudden I read almost half the book in one night. I felt that most of what happened was necessary so the big ol book was relevant. I loved seeing it all tied together and I really liked Winter's character though my favourite if Scarlet. I loved Cress' development too! Her and Thorne just break my heart. The story, while long, is exciting and Cinder gets real badass.

2. Genuine Fraud - E. Lockhart
When there was the opportunity to review this, I just HAD to have it. I loved We Were Liars and the I had a feeling this one was going to be just as good. Within the first few pages, I was hooked and I had to force myself to put it down to other human things. The main character Jule is questionable, I really enjoyed reading her character though despite some of the crazy things she'd say and do. If you're in the mood for a fast-paced and thrilling YA novel, this is the one for you! Full review here.

3. The Genesi Code - Tristen Willis
From a new, Aussie author, this dystopian/sci-fi novel is a short, fast paced story that has you wanting more. While the writing in the first few chapters seemed a bit rocky, I was soon immersed in the story and found myself really enjoying it. I love the main character, Luka, she is pretty badass and I enjoyed reading from her point of view. I loved the bouts of action and only wish, the other characters were explored more. I'm hoping for more depth in the next book! For a full review, click here.


1. Nevernight - Jay Kristoff
I've finally picked this back up and I have been loving it. It is brutal and hilarious and it's god damn great.

2. Because You Love to Hate Me - collection of short stories from authors edited by Ameriie
I'll be writing a review for this one.

3. Tower of Dawn - Sarah J Maas

4. Wonder Woman Warbringer - Leigh Bardugo
Another AHH YES PLS (hehe)

5. Take Three Girls - Cath Crowley, Simmone Howell & Fiona Wood
I'll be part of the blog tour on this one, keep an eye out on September 29th!

6. All the Dirty Parts - Daniel Handler
 I'll have a review for this one too.

And there is my slightly ambitious TBR for the month of September. I won't tell you what I've read just yet (though you'll find out on my Goodreads or you'll see on Instagram from time to time). I'll try get the next wrap up post up sooner rather than more than half way through the month, my bad. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed my little reviews and an insight into what I want to read and I'll see you next time!



Contact: erenabennett@hotmail.com
Instagram: @erenareads & @erena_b
Goodreads: @erenareads
Twitter: @erenareads
YouTube: Erena Reads or click here

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  1. I can't wait to hear what you thought of all these books and to see what ones you were able to read! I definitely have to pick up Genuine Fraud :D

    1. Yes, so good! I've read 4/6 of the ones on my TBR so I'm happy about that :D
