Saturday 8 July 2017

# adult # bennett


Hello friends,

I realise I haven't done a blog post for a wrap up in a while... sorry! I do my YouTube video and then I just get lazy, but I am quite busy too so there's that. But I'm hoping to get back into it a little more so please be patient, Imma try my best! That being said, if you'd like to check out my video for my June Wrap Up & July TBR click here!

For the first half of June, I dedicated all my time to studying as I was in my exam block - I literally read maybe 2 chapters of a book that whole time. When my last exam was over I got straight back into reading and managed to finish 5 books (woo!)


1. Spellslinger - Sebastian De Castell
This book had a great premise but I had to put it down because I just couldn't stand reading it at the time. It felt so slow for me because the male protagonist was very passive and it was doing my head in. I was thankful for the fact that he got slightly better and the story became more interesting, but that was more towards the end of the book and I didn't find it worth it at all. This book isn't terrible, it just wasn't a story for me - perhaps those who enjoy middle grade stories would like this. I have a full review here if you'd like to know more.

2. Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire - JK Rowling
I literally started my reread of this last year... LAST YEAR. I kept it as an 'in-between' read so that's why, and I'm okay with that, it is a reread after all. I forgot how much I loved this book, there's so many cute things that I love in this story that aren't in the movies, ESPECIALLY DOBBY!! I'm hoping to start rereading book five very soon!

3. Cruel Beauty - Rosamund Hodge
I went to Instagram for help to choose a fast paced fantasy novel and I was recommended this one and I ended up finishing it in less than 24 hours because it was just so addictive and I was keen to know everything that happened. This is a somewhat darker retelling of Beauty and the Beast and I seriously loved it so much and would highly recommend it - especially if you're in a bit of a reading slump. This is a very short book and I think it could done with a few more chapters to add to the story but overall, such a good read!

4. Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi
This series (originally a trilogy, more books coming in 2018!) has been on my TBR for a quite a while and I just never got round to picking it up. I must've been seeing it on Instagram a lot because all of a sudden, I ordered the boxed set (three books) off Book Depository and get this... it came in less than four days - WHAT! I think that made it a sign and I jumped right in and FELL IN LOVE. This is a fast paced dystopian/romance novel with interesting characters - the only person I loved straight away was Warner (who is now my new bae), but it was addictive and intriguing and I freaking loved it.

5. Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi
Of course I picked up book two immediately because I just needed to know what happened next. This book had what I felt Shatter Me lacked, and this is where my serious obsession for the series begins. Unravel Me was fast paced, action packed, I began to really like most of the characters as I felt more.. connected with them I guess? The story really branched out and Juliette's character development was great. There were so many lines and paragraphs and whole damn chapters that I wanted to tab because it was so freaking good - I'm also certain majority of the tabs involved Warner, if not all, hehe!
5/5 !!!


1. Ignite Me - Tahereh Mafi
I finished Unravel Me on June 30th so very necessary to jump straight into this as my first read of July.

2. Unite Me - Tahereh Mafi
I was originally on a book buying ban but broke it because I needed these novellas - I am still waiting patiently for it to arrive!

3. A Gathering of Shadows - V.E Schwab
Continuing my read of the Shades of Magic series.

4. Winter - Marissa Meyer
Continuing my read of the Lunar Chronicles.

5. Holding Up the Universe - Jennifer Niven
I put this down because I felt I was reading too much contemporary at the time so I'm eager to pick this back up!

This is a very ambitious TBR for me seeing as I'm back at uni, but I'm hoping to manage my time really well and get at least four books read.

Let me know what you read in the month of June in the comments below - I'd love to know!

See you soon for more bookish posts :)



Instagram: @erenareads & @erena_b
Goodreads: @erenareads
Twitter: @erenareads
YouTube: Erena Reads or click here

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  1. I love this! It's awesome to have your little mini reviews of what you read last month :D I'm excited to see what you think of next months books :)

    P.s. Goblet of Fire, YAYAY! :D

    1. Thank you lovely lady! I'm excited too! But I better get reading if I want to read these... haha
