Sunday, 30 October 2016

Spoiler Free Review: Corruption by Jessica Shirvington

October 30, 2016 0 Comments
"How do you live with yourself when you've deceived the one you love?
How do you move on when the person you've been fighting to save betrays you?
Two years ago, Maggie Stevens began the hunt.
Four weeks ago, Maggie's world fell apart when she finally found what she'd been looking for. And when Quentin, who had blindly trusted her, unravelled her web of lies.
Now, Maggie lives in the dark. But she's not about to stay there. Not when she still has to bring M-Corp down. Not when there is still a chance she could win him back.
In the exhilarating conclusion to Disruption, Maggie must do whatever it takes to show the world the truth. And the price for her quest?
But who for?"

The second part of this thrilling duology, comes Corruption. You can read my spoiler free review of book one, Disruption, right here.

As you may remember, as soon as I finished book one, I immediately started book two and I think I lost myself in it. Within the first chapter, I had gone through a multitude of emotions and the story had me in its grasp.

Much like book one, Corruption is action packed, full of surprises and very easy to follow the story. Once again, the flow of the story is spot on and this made it so much easier to be hooked and be involved in the story. Australian YA author, Jessica Shirvington is a writing queen! Having read her other YA novels (and loving those), I am seriously impressed with this dystopian novel.

I don't want to give away too much of the story seeing as this would spoil you if you're yet to read book one. The story is still based around the controlling M-Corp technology and Maggie's desire to stop them but they're are many hiccups on their adventures and it still has a little of that witty humour we got to see previously.

A few new characters are introduced and we get a bit more background on other characters we only saw a little of last time; as well as our beloved Maggie, Quentin, and my personal favourite, Gus. The character development is brilliant. I already fell in love with our main characters in Disruption and I somehow fell even more in love with them in this book.

I had some idea of the plot (you will too after reading book one) however, there was so much more to it as the story continued on. One minute I would be thinking "Okay, I understand that this would happen" and then some whiplash-giving stuff would go down and I would need to calm myself before continuing to read on.

You'll experience a lot of different emotions whilst reading this book: curiosity, nervousness, happiness, anxiety, tragedy... You'll constantly be wary, wondering what is going to happen next, who to watch out for, you may also find the need to crawl in the ball at times; BE PREPARED!

Now I am sorry I don't go into too much detail in this review, but I absolutely refuse to spoil any one of you - I cannot give even a snippet away!

Disruption set the bar high for book two, it exceeded. This is a must read and definitely a favourite of mine this year.

A brilliantly written book: 5/5

*This book was sent to me by Harper Teen Australia in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Instagram: @erenareads & @erena_b
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Saturday, 15 October 2016

Spoiler Free Review: Disruption by Jessica Shirvington

October 15, 2016 0 Comments
"What if a microchip could identify your perfect match?
What if it could be used against you and the ones you love?
Nine years ago, Mercer Corporation's M-Bands became mandatory. An evolution of the smartphone, the bracelets promised an easier life. Instead, they have come to control it.
Two years ago, Maggie Stevens watched helplessly as one of the people she most was taken from her, shattering her world as she knew it.
Now, Maggie is ready. And Quentin Mercer - heir to the M-Corp empire - has become key to Maggie's plan. But as the pieces of her dangerous design fall into place, could Quentin's involvement destroy everything she's fought for?
In a world full of broken promises, the ones Maggie must keep could be the most heartbreaking."

First of all, author Jessica Shirvington is Australian (woop woop!) and she's also the author to one of my favourite series, Embrace/The Violet Eden series so I was very much interested in starting this duology.

This is a young adult dystopian novel where the population must wear 'M-Bands' that are used in everyday life: used as ID, money and even used for ratings with other people to see if you could potentially have a future together. Though for some, they rate as negatives and are taken away to rehabilitation camps where they're never seen again. Maggie's father was a negative and she's on a mission to rescue him back and prove his innocence.

As soon as you pick up this book you jump straight into the story. You understand everything that's happening in the first few chapters which can be uncommon these days. It kind of feels like being in control and perhaps that is why I like it, though it seems ironic as M-Corp (the company that made this tech) wants to control the world with their M-Bands.

I'm very drawn to the main characters in this book. We get to meet the gorgeous Quentin Mercer, heir to the M-Corp industry and someone who Maggie has been keeping an eye on and brings him into her master plan to find her father. And someone you meet early on in the story is Gus, who just so happens to be my fave character so far. Gus and Maggie have this strange relationship that started with blackmail and their bickering is great, I love it. You obviously meet those other characters who you have to hate but they're necessary to the story and written really well.

While this story has a similar layout to many other dystopian novels, this is also like no other that I've read in this genre. I liked that it was to do with technology - while fictional, a possible realistic insight to the future? Probably not to that level but interesting nonetheless.

The flow of the story was spot on. There was action when we needed action, the aftermath of said action, the calm when we were allowed to be calm and the nerves. I found myself so immersed that I was feeling anxious when risky things were about to go down - this happened a lot. I was never bored and it was honestly hard to put down.

As I said earlier, I've read Shirvington's Embrace series which I absolutely fell in love with and so I wasn't really sure what to expect from this dystopian novel. Well she definitely doesn't disappoint and you should definitely pick this up. You might want to pick up the second novel as well, Corruption, while this first book doesn't end on a cliffhanger, it'll surely leave you wanting more.

Keep an eye out

for my review of book two, coming soon!


*This book was sent to me by Harper Teen Australia in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Instagram: @erenareads & @erena_b
Goodreads: @erenareads
Twitter: @erenareads
YouTube: Erena Reads or click here

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Erena Reviews: September & October TBR

October 05, 2016 0 Comments
Welcome back my beautiful people.
Here today is my September Wrap Up and October TBR, I do have a video up for this which you can view here. I read for books this month, which I was pretty happy with since two of them were not only really good but they were also both over 600 pages long!
Ok, here we go...


1. Queen of Shadows - Sarah J Maas
With the release of Empire of Storms looming over me, I decided to start book four in the Throne of Glass series. I started off with a chapter here and there and then all of sudden I found myself fully immersed in the story and it was so damn hard to put it down to do those other necessary things humans must do. For me, Queen of Shadows is where everything really picked up for me. I felt that the story flowed really nicely and I thoroughly enjoyed all of Aelin's cunning antics. Manon (our fave witch wing leader), soon became my favourite character in the entire series after her first chapter and I could seriously read about her all day. If you're a fantasy/action lover, you should definitely consider picking up this series (book one is Throne of Glass).

2. A Work in Progress - Connor Franta
Let's be honest here, I picked this book up because of the cover (see above picture), it's nice isn't it? Connor Franta is a YouTuber I've never watched before and this book is his memoir of the past...22 years? Something like that. After finishing this book, I searched for him on YouTube and watched the shortest video I could find - hmmm perhaps not for me right now. People, if you actually watch and like Connor Franta then you can consider picking up the book, do not fall for the pretty cover. I gave the rating I did because I'm sure it would be interesting if I liked him. Also, he switched a lot between years... Why?
A generous 3/5

3. Empire of Storms - Sarah J Maas
Book five in the Throne of Glass series is almost 700 pages long, and oh my lord did I enjoy every part of it. So much so that once I finished it I lay face down on the couch for a good 10 minutes reminiscing (that wasn't even a long time). Personally, this was even more enjoyable than Queen of Shadows. I loved Elide and Lorcan doing their thing together, I loved Aelin and Rowan doing their thing together, I loved whatever is brewing between Lysandra and Aedion, and most of all I loved my Queen Manon and Dorian - whatever is happening between them. My favourite character developments have been Elide and Dorian, they are both just so much better characters - and I already liked their characters before. And Manon... my love.... She is honestly, probably my favourite female character of all books I've ever read (big thing to say!!!) I won't babble too much more, I have a video book talk/review of Empire of Storms that you can watch here if you'd like.

4. The Fall of Butterflies - Andrea Portes
I decided to go with an easy contemporary as a break from all the fantasy I've been reading. Within a few pages of this book, I didn't really like it and was dreading continuing it. It's written as if the main character, Willa, is speaking to the reader with her thoughts and it felt quite middle grade for me - bit of a no go for me. It follows Willa's journey at her new private fancy rich kid school (she is not rich, but her mother whom she doesn't like nor speak to has connections). I continued reading because it was honestly really easy to read and surprisingly it got better. I felt it matured a little and with the introduction of a couple of other characters it became a lot more interesting. When I finished the book, I was pretty happy with it and would recommend to lovers of contemporaries aged maybe 13 - 21 years old, maybe... I'm not sure. I have a full review here if you want to check it out.


1. Disruption - Jessica Shirvington
2. Corruption - Jessica Shirvington
3. Nevernight - Jay Kristoff
4. Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo
5. A Torch Against the Night - Sabaa Tahir

Those last two books I haven't got my copies yet and I am praying that they come to me soon because they are two of most highly anticipated reads!!
I have been trying to keep my TBR short and then read whatever my mood wants me to read but I've already finished Disruption and I just REALLY want to read the others so... hopefully I'll get through them all :)

See you later!

Instagram: @erenareads & @erena_b
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