Erena Reviews: October
Erena Bennett
October 31, 2015
Good morning, afternoon and evening to wherever you may be in the world.
Another month over brings a new blog post dedicated to the books I have read this month and boy, was I productive. I read a total of eight books this month (which is really good for me!) I've got into my head the saying "So many books, so little time!" This may sound a little morbid but what if I die before reading all the books I've really wanted to read? Especially mid through a series?! I hope to live a long and book-filled life!
Anyway, onto the reason you came to visit my blog...
1. Throne of Glass - Sarah J Maas
I discovered the Throne of Glass series through 'Bookstagram'. I heard plenty of great things about these books and definitely looked like something I was keen on reading. Celaena Sardothien is the infamous assassin of Adarlan who is given a possible chance at freedom if she fights her way through and is the last one standing. Since I had heard all these raving reviews I went into it slowly and take it bit by bit, which I'm glad I did. I feel it made me absorb it all the better and I really, really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book. Celaena comes off arrogant and rude but where people didn't like that, I absolutely loved that about her - she wasn't being fake. Anyway, give this a read! 5/5
2. A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarak J Maas
I went into this book without knowing what it was about at all; I found out about half way through this book that it is actually a retelling of Beauty and the Beast - I would have read the whole thing and had no idea. This follows Feyre after she kills one of the faerie kind and is somewhat banished to their world by a high lord named Tamlin. This is a fantasy novel but has so much to it and I couldn't stop reading it. This could very well be my favourite book of 2015! Book two comes out next year. 5/5 (plus ten).
3. City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
Last month you would have seen that I was giving another chance to The Mortal Instruments series. I enjoyed City of Bones somewhat and looked forward to getting to book two. I won't say much about the series since this is the second instalment and I don't want to give anything away. Honestly, I didn't really like it that much. Clary is such an annoying character and I hated reading from her point of view. I continued reading for the sake of Jace - I like him! I will still continue with the series and read City of Glass next month. 3/5
4. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
A couple of months ago Go Set a Watchman was published and released and I wanted to reread To Kill a Mockingbird before reading the sequel. I love this book and it is definitely one of my favourite books. My favourite thing about this book is reading from Scout's point of view. 5/5
5. The Selection - Keira Cass
This was an impulse read. I had heard about this series a couple of months ago but lost interest when I thought the synopsis sounding so 'teenagey'. It came up again on my bookstagram feed just over a week ago and I asked other people's opinions of it and most people said it was okay and continued reading the series. The Selection is a dystopian novel where 35 girls are 'randomly selected' from the castes to live in the royal palace and try to win the heart of the prince and to then become princess. I found it hard to stop reading and really enjoyed this story! 4/5
6. The Elite - Keira Cass
Book two of The Selection series is about 'The Elite' - otherwise known as the top ten, or in this case top six. The main character 'America Singer' is all over the place but is kind and fair at heart. Sometimes though, you want to tell her to get her shit together (sorry!) I felt like these first two books could have been combined and made just as one book but nonetheless I enjoyed it and finished it very quickly, eager for book three. 4/5
7. Go Set a Watchman - Harper Lee
~ Before I start, I was actually reading book three of the previously mentioned series but finished this one first.
If you didn't already know, Go Set a Watchman was actually written before To Kill a Mockingbird but Lee was turned down and told to write something else. This takes place twenty something years later and watches Jean Louise (Scout) go back to Maycomb on one of her annual visits from New York. This took me longer to read than I expected and I found myself putting it down and picking up something else. I picked it up a week later and made myself read it. It was okay... Didn't really need to be written to be honest. If you're interested, I would say read it but don't stress over it. 3/5
8. The One - Keira Cass
I was only too happy to dive into this book (whilst I was at work 'working'). This obviously continues on with America Singer involved in the selection process to marry the prince, though much more intense with only four girls left and things are getting heated between everyone. The One has excitement, tragedy (I cried a couple of times) and the kind of romance that makes you want to melt. Definitely my favourite so far! See you soon book four. 5/5
Wow, eight books. Go me! I'm very happy with the amount I read and currently have a goal of 52 books to read in 2015. I've read 44 so far and I think I'll make it!
I would love to know your thoughts on these books if you've read them, or let me know what you read this month. If there is anything you want me to read for a review, let me know that too - if you like I can do a full review as well.
Happy reading!
Love, Erena
PS - You can follow me on Bloglovin, just click the button up to the right :)
Bookstagram: erenareads
Goodreads: erenareads
Instagram: erena_b

Anyway, onto the reason you came to visit my blog...
1. Throne of Glass - Sarah J Maas
I discovered the Throne of Glass series through 'Bookstagram'. I heard plenty of great things about these books and definitely looked like something I was keen on reading. Celaena Sardothien is the infamous assassin of Adarlan who is given a possible chance at freedom if she fights her way through and is the last one standing. Since I had heard all these raving reviews I went into it slowly and take it bit by bit, which I'm glad I did. I feel it made me absorb it all the better and I really, really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book. Celaena comes off arrogant and rude but where people didn't like that, I absolutely loved that about her - she wasn't being fake. Anyway, give this a read! 5/5
2. A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarak J Maas
I went into this book without knowing what it was about at all; I found out about half way through this book that it is actually a retelling of Beauty and the Beast - I would have read the whole thing and had no idea. This follows Feyre after she kills one of the faerie kind and is somewhat banished to their world by a high lord named Tamlin. This is a fantasy novel but has so much to it and I couldn't stop reading it. This could very well be my favourite book of 2015! Book two comes out next year. 5/5 (plus ten).
3. City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
Last month you would have seen that I was giving another chance to The Mortal Instruments series. I enjoyed City of Bones somewhat and looked forward to getting to book two. I won't say much about the series since this is the second instalment and I don't want to give anything away. Honestly, I didn't really like it that much. Clary is such an annoying character and I hated reading from her point of view. I continued reading for the sake of Jace - I like him! I will still continue with the series and read City of Glass next month. 3/5
4. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
A couple of months ago Go Set a Watchman was published and released and I wanted to reread To Kill a Mockingbird before reading the sequel. I love this book and it is definitely one of my favourite books. My favourite thing about this book is reading from Scout's point of view. 5/5
5. The Selection - Keira Cass
This was an impulse read. I had heard about this series a couple of months ago but lost interest when I thought the synopsis sounding so 'teenagey'. It came up again on my bookstagram feed just over a week ago and I asked other people's opinions of it and most people said it was okay and continued reading the series. The Selection is a dystopian novel where 35 girls are 'randomly selected' from the castes to live in the royal palace and try to win the heart of the prince and to then become princess. I found it hard to stop reading and really enjoyed this story! 4/5
6. The Elite - Keira Cass
Book two of The Selection series is about 'The Elite' - otherwise known as the top ten, or in this case top six. The main character 'America Singer' is all over the place but is kind and fair at heart. Sometimes though, you want to tell her to get her shit together (sorry!) I felt like these first two books could have been combined and made just as one book but nonetheless I enjoyed it and finished it very quickly, eager for book three. 4/5
7. Go Set a Watchman - Harper Lee
~ Before I start, I was actually reading book three of the previously mentioned series but finished this one first.
If you didn't already know, Go Set a Watchman was actually written before To Kill a Mockingbird but Lee was turned down and told to write something else. This takes place twenty something years later and watches Jean Louise (Scout) go back to Maycomb on one of her annual visits from New York. This took me longer to read than I expected and I found myself putting it down and picking up something else. I picked it up a week later and made myself read it. It was okay... Didn't really need to be written to be honest. If you're interested, I would say read it but don't stress over it. 3/5
8. The One - Keira Cass
I was only too happy to dive into this book (whilst I was at work 'working'). This obviously continues on with America Singer involved in the selection process to marry the prince, though much more intense with only four girls left and things are getting heated between everyone. The One has excitement, tragedy (I cried a couple of times) and the kind of romance that makes you want to melt. Definitely my favourite so far! See you soon book four. 5/5
Wow, eight books. Go me! I'm very happy with the amount I read and currently have a goal of 52 books to read in 2015. I've read 44 so far and I think I'll make it!
I would love to know your thoughts on these books if you've read them, or let me know what you read this month. If there is anything you want me to read for a review, let me know that too - if you like I can do a full review as well.
Happy reading!
Love, Erena
PS - You can follow me on Bloglovin, just click the button up to the right :)
Bookstagram: erenareads
Goodreads: erenareads
Instagram: erena_b